Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Heartless Universe

There is a being, inside another one, and this inside another one, too.
It gave itself a name, just to identify, (how smart); it called itself “Universe”.
And then this Universe_being woke up, was given Spirit and a Soul.
It was taught by the Gods about feelings, and senses but it was not given a Heart.
Because the Ancient Gods can’t give a Heart, beings have to find their own,
somewhere called the Heart_Cage or Heart_Cave, I am not sure of the name.

So this being _called_ Universe, learned how to survive against all odds.
And growing, learnt more about a state called Existence, but it felt alone.
Didn’t really mind it much, it was not given a Heart to feel how to smile or cry.
Didn’t meet any other beings like itself, so life went on, (How boring!).
Well, there were his parts that felt in pain some times,
but it could be a malfunction.,(who says the Ancient Gods don’t make mistakes?).

…There were those two parts of the Universe’s body who could have met,
loved and fill Universe’s Heart with happiness.
But as I told before, Universe didn’t bother to find a Heart for itself.
So, it felt tears and not knowing why didn’t bother at all, (once more).

…There were those other two parts of the Universe’s body as well
they were “just an ocean away” (who knows what it means, after all?).
And the Universe cried, and felt a killing pain, somewhere out of his existence
In a place called the Heart_Cage or Heart_Cave still who knows the name?…

And the Universe started his long journey…to find this mythical place where you can find something called a Heart (what a strange name!!!)…..

I can say “I love you”

I can say “I love you” whatever you can or cannot feel,
for feelings sometimes chain us instead of giving freedom.
I can say “I love you” whatever you can or cannot say,
for words sometimes are bitter when they mean to be caring.
I can say “I love you” whatever you can or cannot do,
for actions sometimes are against what our heart commands.

Because you can or cannot love me,
while I cannot stop loving you
whatever you feel, say or do.


Guess who is knocking on your mind’s shut door ,
guess what is going to be your present ,
guess why it is for you, only for you ,
guess if it’s only a dream behind the door ,
guess if it’s your future, past or present ,
guess if you are in me and I am in you .

Forget the past, forget your “nows”, remember me ,
I am the best, I was the best, I’ll be the best ,
don’t try to catch me, just let it be, let me be ,
let us be, because we are the same, forget the rest .

Guess who’s getting tired of knocking on shut doors ,
guess what is hidden behind the last step ,
guess why people die when pain passes through ,
guess if life is not traversing across doors ,
guess if tears and laughter are wins in depth ,
guess just one moment before you pass through . -

Back home

Hey, you barman, my friend,
I’m here, in your joint, again,
turn the lights for me down,
but man don’t, don’t let me down,
till the dawn comes.

Fix me the red sirit,
with the strong Indian name,
to send my spirit high.
Put on some of your soul,
the one I used to dance,
to make my soul fly high.

Pick up the brightest star,
traveling across the sky,
to shine into my glass.
The best slice of memories,
ashtrays and cigarettes,
no stranger, I’ve come back home.

You have an angel's voice

__'You have an angel's voice', said the lover to his mistress,
he closed his eyes and pictured her, more as he liked her than as she really was.
But they both knew a real angel wouldn't have done what every night they do,
the common memories, the different thoughts, the passion of the mortals.
__”It's not an angel's voice, it's mine, a sinner's', she replied,
'just sweetened by my feelings, my fears and the pleasures I share with you'.
And they both knew a real angel would have never felt the sense of vacancy,
the humans feel till the moment the two halves meat and blend in one.

The lover paused, and both of them heard an angel bewailing...
An angel's lament from up the Heavens, asking to gain the human voice...


Words of passion, words of lust, vanish in the air, they never last.
Words of hatred, words of love, whispered promises given above.
Words of masters, words of slaves, a circle of fire that never ends.
Words of life and words of death, we all follow down the usual path..
Words of teachers, words of priests, deceiving gadgets, used by who cheats.
Words of friendship, words of war, we do what who govern, order us all.
Words of hope, words of despair, flowers thrown away, against the air.
Words of mothers, words of friends, a helping hand from who really cares.

Help me

Walking, never look at faces,
no name in the crowd, lonely hearts.
People, coming from no place,
going to nowhere, sorrow and pain.
No hope, no more expectations,
no past , no tomorrow, empty lives.
Ruins, this world is my prison,
no love, no compassion, a living Hell.
Let the life draw all the curtains,
grow a flower in your heart,
let the sun dry all your tears,
smile to me, give me your hand.

Help me, help me, somebody help me,
help me, help me, walk by my side,
help me, help me, love one another,
help me, help me, do it now.

My boxes

Look at my boxes, by beautiful multicolour boxes !
I painted hearts and smiling faces on them for you.
My boxes full of stupid little things I thought I needed …

Two sets of love-cups, in case one of the two was broken.
And my favorite blend of coffee, to make for you at the crack of the dawn,
then lie on our bed and watch you dress “the flash way”…

Recipes, and pans and my old coffee machine,
so precious to share it only with you
and the recipe for a happy life, my grandmother’s advisement …

Curtains, to hide our happiness from the “malocchio”, the evil eye,
curtains to protect our privacy when making love.
Curtains long and white like a wedding dress or a gravecloth …

Bedside - light - gondolas, to remind me of my far away home
every night, when you hold me tight kissing me softly
Light gondolas for us, for our friends and our children …

Fairy tales in my mother tongue, to read them to our children,
a goodnight kiss from mom and dad, and then we turn the light off
and you say “the rest of the night is ours my darlingggggg” …

And pictures, so many pictures “ look baby, here’s my dad holding me”
“you look so cute” “this one, my first day at school” “you’re crying,
I’ll never let anyone make you cry again, my baby” …

So many other things I needed in my beautiful boxes.
Red boxes and yellow boxes and white ones
but all I really needed was you to carry us home …

And the last box, the smallest one, my black box.
Who put it by our boxes, next to our dreams? How did it grow so fast?
The box of tears, the box of pain, the box of tumours …

And now my beautiful boxes are stored in a dark place,
in a cold, ugly place and other boxes on them,
other peoples’ dreams on my filled with dreams boxes.
Suffocating, nobody asked for them,
their colors faint, somebody’s tears dirtied the red hearts painted on
the paper with our names torn …


Death is when you know “it’s over”.
Death is when you know you are “packed out”.
Death is when you have this feeling of emptiness.
Death is when you know you will not hear again the voice you love.
Death is when you listen to “unchained melody”.
Death is every minute you see each one of your “personas” killed.
Death is when you love and are loved (big pain).
Death is when you lost the trust of who you love.
Death is when you know you are not the only one crying.
Death is when you are not “darlinggggg” but an anonymous <>.
Death is when you know you will never go home to this small city called Love.
Death is when you saw future and it was taken away from you.
Death is when you know there are red boxes to unpack.
Death is when you must say “I love you, now go!”
Death is when you know you must let go.
Death is when you know you lost this big heart you lived in for a year.
Death is when you can’t wait to grab the chance in the next life, it’s too long waiting.
Death is you lost that chance in previous lives too.
Death is when you stop the count down of “hours to happiness”.
Death is when you hear the plane to happiness fly over you.
Death is when you are somebody’s “angel” and you never grew wings.
Death is when you know you will never touch each other.
Death is those two wedding rings never worn.
Death is our unborn children with the exotic names.
Death is the one and only rocking chair we promised to build together in our yard.
Death is our Christmas tree we will never decorate together.
Death is the last letter you must write.
Death is the last “I love you”.
Death is when your heart, your soul and your brain are “an ocean away”.
Death is when you can’t swim the ocean of tears.
Death is our absolute love unfulfilled.
Death is when you see who you love hurt.
Death is when you know they will come for you and you are ready to let go.
Death is when you don’t have anyone to come back for.
Death is when you don’t want to come back.

Then …
Physical death is welcomed._

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